Well the picture of the x-ray didn't turn out so it doesn't do it justice. I have 9 screws, 1 plate and some wire keeping my leg together. Wire because he couldn't get the screw to take so he had to wire the bone together in a spot. Here is the story:
I was nursing Ty on my bed and heard Nate cry down stairs. I realized that Ty was asleep so I put him down on my bed and was going to check on the kids and start things in motion for the day. On the second or third stair on the spriral staircase I apparently overshot it and just my heel landed on the step and the rest of me went forward. As I fell I heard a crack and before I stopped sliding down for another 6-7 steps I knew I had broke it. Ali called my sister Joslin and she and another memeber from our ward helped me into a van and off to the ER we went. Long story short, I had surgery the following day thanks to our good family friend Dr. Ivey!
This is definately the most painful thing I have ever gone through. I am pretty much bedridden. I haven't left my house in 9 days and have only been out of my room twice! I am not taking pain meds as often now so my head is a little clearer. Josh has been great being both mom and dad. I can't tell you how frustrating it is to not be able to walk my teething baby, pick things off the floor when they have fallen or even sit up on a bed for an extended amount of time. We live in an awesome ward who has helped out so much. My mom and sisters have helped a ton too. Even my kids have helped me so much.
Too bad I am missing the Rogers family reunion as I write. This was the one week out of the whole summer that I was looking forward to. My sister and her family flew in from FL, we have a family reunion and the Mormon Pioneer Days. Anyone who knows me I love to exercise, cook and do almost everything on my own. Well none of that is possibile and it is killing me! I won't be walking anytime soon. And the only good thing I can see from this is that I get a handicap sticker and a wheelchair! Oh, wait I can't even drive for another 6-8 weeks because it is my right leg!!!!
OK, so that is my pitty party. I don't know when I'll come downstairs again so this may not be updated soon. Wish me luck!!
Still Wondering?
6 years ago
Dana, this is terrible! I don't even know what to say. I'm glad to know you are in an awesome ward. I can't imagine you hodling still for even a minute so this must be very painful for you. I hope you heal quickly and that you get some good use out of that handicap sticker...when you are able to drive!
Oh Dana!!! I'm so sorry, I hate not being able to do things! Well I hope you get feeling better soon. Cristine
oh my heart breaks for you. this is when living like the 'jetsons' with robots to help would come in handy. my prayers are with you for a speedy recovery.
Oh Dana, I am so sorry! You poor thing. That is so tough not to be able to do the little things like WALK or move freely. i sure hope your leg starts feeling better soon.
Holy Cow, Dana! You poor thing! I'm so sorry! I don't know what I would do if that happened to me. I hope you get mended fast! I guess you have more time to blog and check email, right? Keep in touch! love, angela
Ugh! I'm so sorry! I can't imagine that type of pain. Hope you are now doing better and that you are no longer bed ridden.
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