Title says it all. Nate is getting a brother! Josh is so thrilled. He says he has an heir and a spare. We went to Sneak Peek Ultrasound on Friday but the 3D/4D pictures are not the best because the baby was so skinny. He had his legs crossed the whole time but they are pretty sure it's a boy. In one of the pictures it looks like he is sucking his thumb. We get to go back around Christmas time when the baby is nice and fat and they say the pictures will be better. My official due date is March 9, a week before our 10 year anniversary. Sorry honey, no trip to Hawaii this year. I hope no one is offended that this is the first that they heard about my pregnancy. With two miscarriages and horrible morning sickness we always wait a while before we say anything. It has actually made the pregnancy go by a little faster. If you want to see our web site at http://www.sneakpeekultrasound.com/ just enter the access code 1017nm.
Still Wondering?
6 years ago
WOW congratulations!!!! I am so excited for you guys! So haw has this one been? Have you been just as sick as the last? And a little boy, so perfect 2 of each! Keep us posted. So exciting!
Just got your email and thought I'd pop in and see if you didn't already post these pictures. Wow, congratulations you guys. This is great news. It's perfect--2 girls and 2 boys. The boys will fight a lot AND play well together. Your sweet girls will be great helpers when the baby comes. One happy family! Love the picture of the two of you together!
Congrats!!!! How exciting!
WAHOO!!! Congrats on your new little one! I am so excited for you! I hope you are feeling better. Have a fun rest of the pregnancy!
Josh and Dana, that is FABULOUS news! We are very excited for you. Hope the yucky feelings subside quickly. Love you all, Jason and Kris
Congrats! How exciting, little boys are a great adventure! (But you know that)Cristine
congrats on the little boy! That is very exciting. Those 3d pics are pretty crazy to look at. Hope you are feeling better and keep us in touch with the baby.
Well congrats again. Well my birthday is feb.23 so i hope he comes early its a good day. :)
Congratulations! That's so exciting!
Your preggers? I had no Idea, and I had no Idea you had a blog! How fun to find you guys here! Congrats on the baby news! We are finally back in town so we need to get together again!
Hi Dana!
Long time, no talk, old roomie of mine!! I would LOVE to catch up with you sometime. Thanks for telling Jen so she could tell me so we could connect again!! Email me sometime and/or go to my blog:
Hope to hear from you soon!
alright you two, i know your busy (as are we all) but i'd love for you to post halloween pictures! Also, we are dying to see more pics of your house!
Of course I remember you! CONGRATS on your newest son. You look great and I LOVE your blog
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